
- 2021-06-07-


利用高速旋转的叶轮将弹丸直接抛向滚筒腔内不断翻滚的工件,从而达到加强工件清洁的效果。机身结构为滚筒、提升带、减速电机、分离器、抛丸器。适用于铸造行业。被清洁工件的重量不能超过 15 公斤。可进行喷丸除锈,去除氧化层,增强表面光泽。适用于清洁一种不怕磕碰划伤的工作。缺点是不能大批量抛丸。


Old employees in the industry should know that the 滚筒式抛丸机 was the first to appear on the market, because the casting manufacturing industry was very in demand in the early days. With the spread of 滚筒式抛丸机s, crawlers finally appeared Type shot blasting machine, drum type shot blasting machine has been completely replaced by crawler type shot blasting machine due to changes in subsequent development. Because the structure of the 履带式抛丸机 is simpler, the 履带式抛丸机 can also roll and shot the workpiece, and can also realize the function of automatic loading and unloading. After the workpiece is cleaned, it will be automatically sent out of the shot blasting room. However, this function cannot be achieved by the roller type shot blasting machine. In addition, the damaged parts during the use of the drum type shot blasting machine are higher than that of the crawler. From the perspective of cost and later considerations, I will choose the crawler type shot blasting machine and the drum type shot blasting volume Small cannot fully meet the daily workload of manufacturers, so this is why more users like to use 履带式抛丸机s.